Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My 30 Beliefs

My 30 beliefs
1.     I believe everybody should treat others the way they want to be treated.
2.     I believe some people need to just mind their own business
3.     I believe people should be open minded to new things
4.     I believe there should be no more war
5.     I believe in love
6.     I believe marriage should be only with one person
7.     I believe in gay rights
8.     I believe hunger should not exist
9.     I believe everyone should have a place they can call home
10.                        I believe you shouldn’t judge a book for its cover
11.                         I believe people should go with what they believe
12.                        I believe people should respect their elders
13.                        I believe we should help one an other
14.                        I believe everyone should do something nice in their community or world at least once
15.                        I believe you should do what you want to do before you die
16.                        I believe cheating in marriage is wrong
17.                        I believe people should respect others opinions if they are reasonable
18.                        I believe the death penalty should not exist
19.                        I believe abortion is wrong
20.                        I believe people are never satisfied
21.                        I believe killing is wrong
22.                        I believe animal abuse is wrong
23.                        I believe you shouldn’t trust just anybody
24.                        I believe you should cherish life
25.                        I believe there is a difference between truthful and rude
26.                        I believe we should all have something we believe in
27.                        I believe racism is wrong
28.                        I believe people should listen more
29.                        I believe there should be peace in this world
30.                        I believe that maybe the world will be a better place                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mama Who

Mama who
Mama who knows me better than the palm of her hand.
Mama who says food tastes better when you make it with love
Mama who is always trying to help others
Mama who always warns me not to make a bad choice every day like a daily routine
Mama who gives me the look when I do something wrong or she is annoyed
Mama who talks her English like broken words
Mama who forgives you no matter what
Mama who always keeps her promises  
Mama who knows when something is wrong
Mama whose hugs make you feel like everything is going to be ok
Mama who knows how to balance her life equally
Mama who somehow manages to take time with everybody even after a long day at work
Mama who is coffee and sugar bread in the morning
Mama who fills the house with the smell of crispy sizzling bacon in the morning weekends
Mama who’s favorite ice cream is Hagen Dazs ice cream
Mama who is tamales, posole, and champurrado in Christmas
Mama who is chicken soup when someone is sick