Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My 30 Beliefs

My 30 beliefs
1.     I believe everybody should treat others the way they want to be treated.
2.     I believe some people need to just mind their own business
3.     I believe people should be open minded to new things
4.     I believe there should be no more war
5.     I believe in love
6.     I believe marriage should be only with one person
7.     I believe in gay rights
8.     I believe hunger should not exist
9.     I believe everyone should have a place they can call home
10.                        I believe you shouldn’t judge a book for its cover
11.                         I believe people should go with what they believe
12.                        I believe people should respect their elders
13.                        I believe we should help one an other
14.                        I believe everyone should do something nice in their community or world at least once
15.                        I believe you should do what you want to do before you die
16.                        I believe cheating in marriage is wrong
17.                        I believe people should respect others opinions if they are reasonable
18.                        I believe the death penalty should not exist
19.                        I believe abortion is wrong
20.                        I believe people are never satisfied
21.                        I believe killing is wrong
22.                        I believe animal abuse is wrong
23.                        I believe you shouldn’t trust just anybody
24.                        I believe you should cherish life
25.                        I believe there is a difference between truthful and rude
26.                        I believe we should all have something we believe in
27.                        I believe racism is wrong
28.                        I believe people should listen more
29.                        I believe there should be peace in this world
30.                        I believe that maybe the world will be a better place